Launching Life's Journeys - An RV Podcast

Launching Life’s Journeys Destination: The Lahrs Family: Full-time RV’ing with Four Kids, a Dog, and a Cat

Heartland RVs Season 1 Episode 14

Packing up your family and pursuing the dream of life on the road sounds close to impossible, but today's guests, Luke and Mel Lahrs have been full-time RVing for five years with four kids, a dog, and a cat. You may recognize them from Instagram, Facebook, or their own website
Lahr With Latitude. As a family who has always been honest about the realities of full-time
Ring, today they open up about the challenges and the rewards of this kind of lifestyle. Tuning
in you'll hear what made them decide that this was the life they wanted to pursue, how Luke
got a travel job to enable this dream, and how the discovery of Mel's pregnancy with their
fourth child postponed their original plans. Find out what 'unschooling' is, how their kids have
learned so much more through their travels than they would have in a traditional school
system, and how they have personally grown as a family throughout the process. While making drastic changes to pursue a dream like this sounds daunting, the Lahrs family explains how they baby-stepped their way into it, and you can too! Luke even has some RV-lifestyle-
compatible job ideas for you. For all this and more, tune in today!

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